Dwight Howard Will Join Houston Rockets’ Meeting With Carmelo Anthony


When the Houston Rockets visit with Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard will attend the meeting, along with James Harden and other coaches.

Howard joining the meeting is a bit surprising since he told Sam Amick (USA Today) that he would give free agents the privacy he wish he had.

Jonathan Feigen (Houston Chronicle) discussed who will be a part of the welcome committee as the Rockets pitch their case to Anthony.

"The thrust of the presentation will be about the Rockets’ contention that Anthony, a 6-8 forward, would be joining a contender. According to an individual familiar with the plans, they would cite their roster, expected to include every starter off a 54-win team.They will describe how Anthony, 30, would be used. They will use many of the same representatives — owner Leslie Alexander, CEO Tad Brown, general manager Daryl Morey, coach Kevin McHale, former player Clyde Drexler, trainer Keith Jones and James Harden — as those who landed Howard. Howard will also be a part of the presentation, replacing free agent Chandler Parsons on the welcoming committee."

What will be a part of their pitch? Some gadgets, a new weight room, and a plan to keep Chandler Parsons as well.

"Anthony planned to begin his tour in Chicago. When he gets to Houston (with a trip to Dallas scheduled for later Wednesday), the Rockets hope to make his visit memorable. As much as the Rockets will emphasize the more sober facts and figures related to team building, they plan to use their extensive collection of gadgetry, from the video boards and sound system in the locker room to the new weight room, video room and player’s lounge in ways they could not last summer when recruiting Howard.When they get down to discussing how the Rockets believe they will be able to build a winner, they will also reveal their plans for Parsons, a 6-9 forward."

Yes, it would be possible for the Rockets to land Anthony, keep Harden and Howard, AND re-sign Parsons. That would be a pretty stacked lineup which is something that should entice Anthony.

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The Rockets will be able to show off their city and their fancy technology to Anthony at Toyota Center, unlike last year’s presentation with Howard.

With Harden and Howard already on board, Morey’s presentation about building a championship contender should be a lot easier now.

Morey was in Philadelphia last night to court Kyle Lowry, but it’s widely known that Anthony is option 1B (behind LeBron James).

Let’s just hope Anthony is convinced that Houston is the place to be.