What do the Houston Texans, Colin Kaepernick and the Bob McNair have in common? All three were associated with news today stemming from his peculiar appearance in H-Town yesterday, while partaking in a private workout with his personal trainer. Many of us wondered why he was here to begin with but there’s finally a solid answer after all of the speculation. Let’s examine further.
The Houston Texans unaware of this particular visit to the Bayou City and we all wondered what the heck was going on. The rumors and the speculation continued as well as the wide range of emotions that us onlookers emanated at the news that has come out.
It’s incredible that just a simple private workout was the prelude of what was really about to go down. Colin Kaepernick was here to face-off with the NFL, including Houston Texans owner Bob McNair.
As you may know by now, Kaepernick has filed a grievance case with the NFLPA back in late October on the basis of collusion, as he hasn’t been re-signed by an NFL team since he took his final bow-out of the 2016 season. His case indicates that the league is conspiring to keep him out because of the protests that he led during the NFL season by kneeling during the national anthem.
His actions, to which I understand and support, caused a stir of controversy among NFL fans alike with us all having a debate on whether or not his actions were appropriate. The type of treatment he has received is unwarranted and this man should be tossing a football on somebody’s team, bar none.
Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports, who covered the Kaepernick’s private workout yesterday, tweeted out additional tidbits:
League source says #Texans owner Bob McNair was deposed today in Houston. And Colin Kaepernick was in the depo, face-to-face with McNair. So the mystery around that workout in Houston on Thursday is sort of revealed. He was in town to face off with McNair.
— Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) March 16, 2018
But Robinson quickly provided clarification to his earlier tweet shortly thereafter:
#Texans dispute Kaepernick and owner Bob McNair “faced off” this morning. A team source says the deposition atmosphere was “cordial” and that Kaepernick and McNair greeted each other at the proceedings. So while Kaepernick was there to face McNair, they didn’t “face off”. FWIW.
— Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) March 16, 2018
I honestly did not know that McNair’s deposition today or I would’ve connected the dots together easily. He commands a tremendous amount of respect among league owners and wields a tremendous amount of power in terms of help shaping policy so it’s natural for Kaepernick to name McNair in his case.
The grievance he filed is serious business and the NFL is handling it as such. It’s tough to tell how long it will take to resolve but it’s quite obvious that Kaepernick is in it for the long-haul. As he should be.
Next: Why Colin Kaepernick chose H-Town for his private workout
But at least we certainly know he’s still got his legs and can still throw the football based off the brief clips we saw yesterday.
We’ll have to see how this eventually shakes out.