The MLB should strongly consider making changes to its scheduling, which will benefit the Houston Astros’ competitiveness. Here are five reasons why.
Is MLB hurting baseball by failing to pit all teams against each other every season? Read on to see how MLB could be hitting a homer.
The pandemonium feels palpable. A suggested seven playoff teams per league—what’s next? Will Major League Baseball award a batter an extra run if he calls his homer before the pitch? Where are we?
And just how would a first-seed announce the team they choose to face in the playoffs? I mean, talk about awkward press conference drama. No matter what was said, wouldn’t it just translate to “We’re gonna face that team because they’re garbage this season, and we know we’ll get past ‘em”? Shots fired.
I get it. Well, I sort of get it: Major League Baseball wants to increase revenue.
To accomplish as much, I would like to express interest in an idea that I wish MLB would implement before anything else. And no—I am not endorsing electronic sign-stealing.
Specifically, I would like for every team to play each other. I think the National Basketball Association has this concept right.
MLB’s six-division format, featuring five times per division, is healthy for teams to earn a playoff berth. However, I feel there is too much emphasis on scheduling against teams within one’s division.
In other words, there is too much scheduling monotony in baseball. If plans to expand the playoffs are designed to increase fan participation and raise revenue, then why not consider piquing fan interest by bringing every team to every major league stadium each season during those 81 road games?
Obviously, many movers and shakers in Major League Baseball may not like this idea. Think about it: traveling to every city increases operating expenses that franchises must incur, as well as inconveniences players via more flights, hotels, and charter buses, etc. Perhaps in a bargaining agreement for this extra traveling, players could be granted an extra personal day, or rosters could slightly expand—just ideas.
But for a fan base, take Houston Astros’ fans, for example, the way things are, if you missed the last homestand with the Angels, have no fear, the next series is like a week from tomorrow—well, I don’t know, but probably.
Without further ado, here are just five reasons this change could increase revenue and benefit Major League Baseball.