Houston Texans: The three-step plan to a successful off season
By Neal Sharma

It’s depressing to see the Houston Texans finish the way they did. Here’s a three-step plan for the team to follow to have a successful off season. Look.
I didn’t want to write an off season article for the Houston Texans this early. Tears are falling out of my eyes and it’s even worse that the money spent buying seats at the game isn’t coming back any time soon.
But reality is that we are here. All of the research on standings and stats, the long season of close victories an occasional loss and even putting up a good fight for a first round bye has all come to an end within just the first game into the NFL playoffs. It sucks to be a fan at this time of year, and I have no idea how I’m going to make it through the second semester of college without Houston Texans football.
An optimistic Houston Texans fan would do his or her best to put the past behind them and look toward the future. So I’ll attempt will do the same but easier said than done. It’s hard for me to believe that I would not be writing this article if Houston Texans beaten the Philadelphia Eagles this season.
Jesus, I looked back again.
*Time to take a deep breath* Okay, I’m going to start over.
That’s it, ah screw it, I’m not typing an intro again. This is especially tough to write in regard to the Houston Texans.
Without any further delay, let’s take a look at what Houston Texans need to do this off season in three steps.