With the Super Bowl over and another magnificent game played, it’s time for a hangover to begin. Even so, it may take some time to process how the game went down. But it will also take some time to determine what thoughts you’re thinking at the moment.
So we just witnessed another classic Super Bowl game. Isn’t that amazing? Was it the best game ever? Maybe not. Was it the best offensive game ever? Oh yeah! In a world where offense scores points means more than defense wins championships, we just had three of the best offensive games in recent sports history. Joining the Astros, Dodgers, Georgia, and Oklahoma are the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles for putting together style points in the game. Now it’s time for a hangover.
What’s on your mind?
Well, I know that I have a lot to process as far as my life is concerned or what took place. But I can’t really say this Super Bowl was the best ever. Yet, it’s certainly in the top five or top ten for sure. Interestingly enough, however, my mind is not on the Super Bowl I watched. My mind in its hangover stage is thinking about three different thoughts.
I could’ve easily decided to separate each of these thoughts into different articles. But, by doing that, I would easily forget the other two if I started one. So, therefore, I decided to cram all my thoughts on this one and make it a three-pronged battle.
Why Three-Pronged?
- Because three has been a common number I’ve used.
- It’s rare to have a 3-on-1 sequence.
- Okay, I’ll admit I had an incident in which I left behind a three-pronged cord an hour away from town that was really vital to my job. My fault, but I just got it back and it’s safe.
Now What?
You’re going to read sections of the following words.
- Visualization
- Duel
- Miracle
Three random words that define Houston Sports and how they identify with the thoughts I’ve been thinking all at once. So without further or due, here are my three thoughts.