Houston Sports: Three New Year Predictions for 2018

The year 2018 has arrived for Houston Sports and everyone is still chatting about their own New Year’s resolutions and ideas of what they want to achieve for the year. For some of us though, it’s okay to have an idea to predict on what’s to come about.
Happy New Year Houston Sports fans. I hope you are having a great 2018 so far. First off, I do want to apologize for not writing in a while. I was originally going to have an article about a recap of 2017 being a crazy season for us. But, there were a lot of things that got in the way, including an accident where I was in freezing water (Not my fault. The dock I was on moved underneath me) and struggled to breathe. I’m okay although I do have bruised ribs from the injury.
That being said, I’ve decided to do something different. I’m going to be making predictions.
HOORAY! Welcome to the good side!
Thank you for the kind reception Houston Sports fans. Now I must confess I normally don’t make predictions. Whether it’s because I’m worried that I might be criticized and chastised if I’m wrong or that I might be as foolish as Skip Bayless, Stephen A. Smith, and Max Kellerman, I just never did predictions. But this time, I’m doing so right now.
We all have opinions of what’s going to happen and whether we’re right or wrong. So I felt I decided to give you my theories on this upcoming year. It’s going to be bold and off the wall, but this is where I decide what I feel is the right predictions for 2018. I’m only going to do three because three is a magic number. So without further or due, here are my 2018 predictions.