Houston Astros Vs. Texas Rangers: A renewed battle for ultimate pride

HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 14: Brian McCann
HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 14: Brian McCann /
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL – APRIL 21: Manager A.J. Hinch
ST. PETERSBURG, FL – APRIL 21: Manager A.J. Hinch /

#2 Change is hard to adjust to

If there’s anything that the recent presidential election taught us, it’s that change is hard to accept. The same thing applies to baseball. For the longest time, the Astros were the dominant team in terms of success. Then comes 2010 and the Rangers take over with the first of two World Series appearances. By the time 2011 ends, the momentum shifted to the Rangers as they dominated Texas while the Astros were pretty much in the sewers for a while.

When you start to win and keep on winning, you get confident. Should you get confident, you have the swagger and cockiness. As you have the swagger and cockiness, nothing touches you and any comments from teams with worse records become irrelevant.

That was the Rangers’ mindset. They took on the swagger that Dallas has by becoming a winning franchise and there was nothing Houston could do about it. Anything we said in disagreement was dismissed as us being crazy or delusional.

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Now comes the hard part. When the momentum suddenly shifts against you, you have no control. You feel helpless but still feel like holding on to a belief that you’re still the better team. You can’t accept the change.

Even the Rangers themselves have tried to stir up controversy. Remember Jeff Bannister’s comment about being proud to wear Texas on his jersey? It was a sign that the Rangers were still Texas’s team and Houston wasn’t even a part of Texas. Thankfully, we had a hero named Lance McCullers Jr. to back us up with one tweet.

Some Ranger fans have accepted the change for now, but others still won’t let go. While for Houston fans, it’s our turn to have the swagger. It’s our turn to feel happy. We have to enjoy it while it lasts though because as the seasons change, the momentum will shift back and forth.