Houston, We Have Baseball! – Tweets Of The Week

The 2014 Houston Astros may not be the best team in the big leagues. But I’m pretty pumped about some Astros baseball.

The past three years, have been awful.  I have high hopes that this season will give me something to REALLY look forward to. Last year’s Comcast SportsNet debacle was a total kick in the potato sack for me. I had reached my ceiling. My middle finger was raised, and I turned my back on them.

It was like watching a junkie walking in and out of rehab, and expecting them to actually change their life. Before you know it, you’re missing valuables throughout your home, and you know it was the junkie. I’ve seen, Intervention. I know you’re supposed to turn your back on a lost cause. Call me bandwagon or not a real fan. But I couldn’t watch the games, even if I really wanted to.

New year, new hope, new attitude. I’m ready to see this team win 73 games. Hopefully. On to Tweets of the Week:

House Of Houston On Twitter – @HouseOfHouston
House Of Houston On Facebook – Link
Marcus Chavez On Twitter – @marcusdoesurmom