HOH Round Table: That Super Bowl Party Though….

Mandatory Credit: Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports

“Why am I at work right now?!” – America, the day after the Super Bowl.

Going to work the day after the Super Bowl, is the equivalent of going to work on New Year’s day. Zombie status in front of a computer screen.

How are people truly supposed to enjoy the big game and go all out, knowing that have to work the next day? Yeah, you can always take Monday off, or settle for that Monday hangover. For the few that are responsible, they’re still pretty exhausted on Monday. There’s entertaining, running around, or  being out of your everyday Sunday routine, involved with this sporting event.

Hey President Obama, if you’re reading this… let’s go ahead and make, no work on Monday after the Super Bowl, a thing.  You good with that, boss? Last time I checked you were running this country. Hit the hip, next time you’re in town, we’ll do lunch.

I’m sure he’ll get back to me about this soon.

Anyway, Super Bowl Sunday… it’s kind of a sad day. The official end of football season. For a majority of NFL fans, it’s coming to terms with the team that you cheer for, isn’t playing on the biggest stage in America.

So many reasons to drink and party, to forget the past and celebrate the beginning of a new season. HOLY [EXPLETIVE]!!! It’s exactly like New Year’s Eve! Everything about it! Seriously Barrack! Call me, BRAH!

There’s no real tips to having the perfect Super Bowl Party, unless you’re watching the big game at the Playboy Mansion. So, you can stop Googling “how to have the bestests super bowl party ever”.

Here are few tips on how to not have a crappy Super Bowl Sunday:

  • Drink water between your alcoholic beverages.
  • Take work off on Monday.
  • Don’t hangout with Amanda Bynes.
  • Don’t hangout with people that suck, because you feel obligated.
  • If the party you’re going isn’t serving one of your favorite football dishes, bring it yourself.
  • If the party you’re going to isn’t serving one of your favorite beverages, bring it yourself.
  • If you give two [expletives] about the game, don’t party hop.
  • The closer to home the better.
  • If you’re having a party, don’t invite over people that suck. (I can’t stress this enough. People that suck… well, they suck. Don’t hangout with them.)
  • Don’t listen to anything your spouse or girlfriend tells you on Sunday. Sunday is your day, not hers.
  • Have a drinking game in your back pocket, just in case the game turns into the 2013 Alabama vs Notre Dame National Championship.
  • If you’re hosting a party, get extra toilet paper. You don’t know what’s in the food that your guests bring.

With all that said, here are some HOH Staff favorites on Super Bowl Sunday:

Big Game Dishes

Yoni PollakAnything meat
Hal KaiserQueso all the way
Brandon CampbellHot wings
Julian PerezWings are a no brainer, but if you got a grill and some time, whip up some beef fajita nachos with guacamole, jalapenos, sour cream, salsa, and refried beans.  Whatever you do, avoid black olives at all costs, those are poison. You’re welcome.
Alex SkandalisMy favorite recipe is Emerill’s chicken and sausage gumbo recipe and I make a few personal changes to make it my own just remember to make your own roux.
Corey WalkerNachos n chicken wings
Joey ButchaAnything cooked on the grill.
Julian Alexander7-Layer bean dip
Marcus ChavezBrisket. Ron, what’s going to be your new thing?

Big Game Drinks

Yoni Pollak
Water. Yes, I’m that guy.
Hal Kaiser
St. Arnolds (the beer, not the saint)
Brandon Campbell
beer and Fireball
Julian Perez
Kona Longboard.  I lived in Hawaii for 3 years and wouldn’t drink anything else. Give it a shot, you’ll be glad you did.
Alex Skandalis
I will be drinking scotch or red wine because my club team Liverpool plays early that morning and the pints will be flowing.
Corey WalkerMiller High Life
Joey Butcha
Depends on which commercials influence me.
Julian Alexander
Water. Saint Arnold Elissa or GTFO
Marcus Chavez
Craft beers or vodka or rum or …. I’ll just say booze. Why is there work on Monday?

From all of us at House of Houston – Good luck on Super Bowl Sunday. May all your dreams come true.