House Of Houston – Tweets Of The Week

With the first pick of the 2002 NFL Draft, the Houston Texans select; quarterback David Carr, from Fresno State.” – Roger Goodell
Let’s recap this week shall we? For me personally – Monday, I was fortunate to have off for Martin Lurther King Jr. Day. Tuesday and Wednesday were kind of hectic at work. Yesterday, right when I was about to sneak out the door, my boss had me drive a large white work van (insert punchline here) in the rain, during rush hour. In fairness it was to avoid driving it this morning during “Winter Storm 2014” (I could write a whole blog post on driving that white van yesterday. For more info, tweet me @marcusdoesurmom). Today, I had a half day. All in all, good week.
Let’s go back to “Winter Storm 2014”. Houston, if you’re listening… I worry about you guys sometimes. If you drove this morning and made it to work safely, without your vehicle sliding at all. Kudos to you. If you were one of the unfortunate souls that lost control of your vehicle. I’m sorry to hear about this? Please leave a comment and let me know if it has anything to do with you playing “hero ball” with the road. I hope everyone made it home safely without a scratch (I sincerely mean that).
I spent most of the morning looking at social media and watching Fox 26 cover the storm. I’m a tad biased when it comes to Fox 26 for three reasons: I use to play pick up basketball with Chris Stipes, Isiah Carey is hands down the funniest reporter in Houston (oh and I met him once), and I went to high school with Michelle Merhar. I bring this up for one reason, it’s real funny how life can come circling right back around to your past without you even realizing it.
Derek Carr is another example of my past circling back around, and staining me with a biased opinion. I don’t want the Houston Texans to draft Derek Carr. I’ll be the first to admit my opinion isn’t even fair. I’m just sick of some kind of tie to Houston’s past, coming back and haunting this franchise (@sonofbum you’re the exception).
I watched David Carr spend his time in Houston, laying on his back with a 250 lb man on top of him yelling in his ear hole. It’s not fair, because it wasn’t always David’s fault. What was David’s fault was the level of douchebaggery he brought to the table with his hair. And the fac………………….
Wait…! I’m supposed to be doing Tweets Of The Week! I’ll finish my thought on that later. Here you go Houston, don’t jam your cold thumbs while scrolling.
The Pelicans are interested in trading for a big. I would trade Asik there & in return would ask them to change their stupid team name.
— Northside Mike (@Northside_Mike) January 20, 2014
(On Richard Sherman)
Damn I was waiting on him to snatch the mic and give a speech like Bane in the last Batman movie!!!!
— Kareem Jackson (@ReemBoi25) January 20, 2014
I still think Richard Sherman's top accomplishment of 2013-14 is ending Matt Schaub's career in Houston and sending #Texans to a #1 pick.
— Ben DuBose (@BenDuBose) January 20, 2014
Richard Sherman will probably (stupidly) get fined. That's what you get when you stick a hot mic in a guy's face seconds after a nasty game.
— Chris (@HoustonDiehards) January 20, 2014
This Super Bowl is going to be fun, assuming New Jersey doesn't screw it all up.
— CleaveCity (@TXCleaver) January 20, 2014
Hey, does anyone know how loud the Seahawks crowd has been tonight?
— Tom Vanderslice (@jtv_3) January 20, 2014
Texas A&M's last five tweets have reminded us where the 12th Man tradition began. We get it, guys.
— David Ubben (@davidubben) January 20, 2014
Man, what would happen if Houston drafted Derek Carr first overall. World explodes?
— Lewis Woodard (@LewWoodard) January 23, 2014
Is your daycare closed today? I wanna hear your tale of woe. #houwx
— Craig Hlavaty (@CraigHlavaty) January 24, 2014
So Brittany Norwood was a Playboy Bunny? The plot thickens.